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  • Initially, the plant is split into grids, and scanning is done in a zig-zag pattern. The distance between each scan will be decided by the congestion of the unit and the detail required.
  • Scan targets are placed before scanning works, ensuring each scan position contains a minimum of six scan targets and the consecutive scan location has a minimum of three scan targets from the previous scan to ensure continuity of the model being created.
  • Scan location is marked before scanning, and once the scan is completed, the spot is again marked, which entails that two marks mean scanning is completed. This system also ensures no portion is left out. Scanning is done in a Zig-Zag Pattern, and when an equipment structure or vessel comes in the way, scanning proceeds vertically and then proceeds in an earlier route.
  • Once scanning is completed, the day's scan data is extracted from the machine via hard disk and sent to the modelling team to generate the point cloud model daily.